Welcome Magicians and Magic Enthusiasts to …
Magic at Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene
The next magic performance at Old Nick’s Pub will happen Sunday, 12/29/24
Several Mysticians will perform close-up from 11-12 and a stage show at noon. If you would like to get together with your fellow Mysticians and see some great magic in an interesting theatrical setting, I hope you will come to the show.
Non-Mysticians should be able to purchase tickets on Old Nick’s website (
https://www.oldnickspub.com/events). Please let others know about the show because the more lay people who are there, the more fun it’ll be. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Magic at Barsideous Brewing in Lebanon
The next magic performance at Barsideous Brewing will happen on Friday, 1/3/25.
Several Mysticians will perform parlor/stage magic from 7-8:30 pm. If you would like to get together with your fellow Mysticians and see some great magic, I hope you will come to the show.
For more information, see the Barsideous website (
https://barsideousbrewing.com/) and/or Facebook page. Please let others know about the show because the more people who are there, the more fun it’ll be.
Jeff Dunham Show
Jeff Dunham is coming to perform in Eugene on Wednesday, 4/23/25. Ventriloquism is one of magic’s allied arts. You can find more information here: https://www.jeffdunham.com/tours/.
The Next Meeting …
Wednesday, 12/18/ 2024!
Due to the holidays, we will have our regular monthly in December one week earlier than normal. So, we will meet this coming Wednesday, 12/18/24, starting at 6:30 pm. We will again plan to meet both live and via Zoom.
We will hold the in-person meeting at the Knights of Pythias Hall, 420 W 12th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401.
For those who will attend the live meeting, please feel free to practice social distancing (masks, fist bumps instead of handshakes, etc.) in any way that helps you to feel as comfortable as you can.